Alfred Hitchcock, that’s the name which evokes great respect from all film connoisseurs. Mr.Hitchcock mastered his craft of film making like none other. Watching his films makes you understand one central point of story telling, i.e keeping the audience gripped throughout. May I present to you one of the rare videos of his interview back in 1973. This interview of his gave me an insight into the man that he is and why he was so successful at what he did. In part 5 this story, watch Mr.Hitchcock narrate a story and within moments he commands your attention, you are dragged into the story. No wonder the man created cult classics.

Youtube videos of the interview:
Part1 Part2 Part3 Part4 Part5 Part6

A hobby should pass the time, not fill it.
—-Dialogue from a character in movie Psycho

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