Just finished trying the Google Chrome OS on a virtual machine. Want to try it, its as easy as downloading a virtual machine and the chrome OS, of course.
My impressions of this OS is that it delivers on what it promises. Speed, online connectivity, security(debatable).
Can this move from Google usher a new era in cloud computing? only time will tell.
Also because its open sourced, I expect better things in offering for the targeted market.

You think its not interesting, watch a 11mins Google Chrome OS Demo:

Chrome OS, binaries compiled and packed as a torrent for our convenience: 324MB download

Don’t have a torrent client, I recommend utorrent:

VirtualMachine software, download the one specific to your host operating system: just 68.9MB

Once you have downloaded both of em, install the virtualbox, should take less than 3-5mins. Fire up the virtual machine and import the .ovf file from the chromeos download folder, and you are ready to try the OS.
username: chronos
password: password

Thanks to the guys at geeklad:

Don’t fear failure so much that you refuse to try new things.
The saddest summary of a life contains three descriptions: could have, might have, and should have.


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